We’re not about the money. We’re about relationships.

We’re about the thrill of seeing and reading your reactions when our latest campaign nails your list.

About Us

We have a team of email-marketing-savvy designers ready to assist.

We’re about the configuration of a master plan strategy when it comes to laying out the content calendar with pinpoint precision—only to be told there are last minute changes—and then still coming up with the goods.

We’re about the weekly calls, the detailed monthly reports, and the crazy but cool ideas our copywriters come up with for a nurturing campaign.

Book a call and let’s begin a potentially lifelong relationship.

Meet Our Team

Thomas Teal

CEO and
Marathon Runner


As the owner, and first point of contact for interested brands, Tom operates with limitless energy and enthusiasm, always ready to push the boundaries and entertain the team with his overall typical English humor jokes. As a marathon runner, regular 5k park runner and badminton enthusiast, Tom also helps inspire young minds at local schools with talks and workshops, knowing the importance of healthy community contribution.

Mohit Kumar

Operations Manager
and Chess Master


Mohit is the technical wizard of the team, always ready to spot the mistakes before they happen, which is definitely beneficial for the clients, and our relationship with them! As Operations Manager he does not have any mercy for poorly executed, poorly spot checked and templates without call to actions. In his free time he loves to read, and is a budding chess mastermind.

Paloma Rodriguez

Account Manager
and Fashionista


Paloma comes from a fashion background and is one of our trendier team members. Her marketing savviness and on-trend sensibilities plus creative superpower make her an all round entity not to be messed with. As well as looking after clients, she spearheads the company marketing and keeps the team inspired by her regular healthy breakfast updates.

Karen Simoes

Designer and
Karaoke Legend


Karen is our design extraordinaire, able to conjure magic, mystery and beauty out of a few brief sentences (the brief that Paloma gives her); words that bring the brand highlights and wondrousness to life, which of course generally include some well fashioned gif’s. She also loves singing along to Miley Cyrus and Aurora, sporting cool headscarves.. 

Jacob Mazlum

Copywriter and
Metal Head

As Chief Copywriter, Jacob can bring to life the standard concepts and seemingly normal functional products and make them pop. Short and impactful, descriptive yet lighthearted, fizzing yet equally grounded; it’s all in the art of using words to mesmerize, persuade, entertain and yes, sell. As part of a metal band, Jacob tours around the UK, expressing what could not be limited to the written word; helped with his guitar.

Dane Ramirez

Quality Assessor and
Mother of ‘Dragon’


Dane is our incredible Quality Assessor and Editor; assisting the team and being that all important glue that helps everything work and synchronize together in perfect harmony. Impeccable in her presentation and never failing to be on point and accurate with all those important details, she is mother to 4 dogs (Dragon, Cotton, Crystal, and Snow) and loves some downtime on the beach, when she’s not being virtual glue at least. 

Clarence May Oli

Data Analyst and
Hair Model

May is our data analyst and business development outreach superstar, able to crunch data like it’s a fresh vegan chocolate cake and eat it up with vigorous efficiency and attention to detail. She loves to work in the heat of the day with fans blowing her hair as if she belongs in a hair shampoo advert, and in her free time, enjoys hanging out with her friends and hitting the local shopping mall.

Nick Albert

Developer and
Easy Rider

Nick is a wordpress whizz, able to crush both front end and back end development and design, where science and art converge. He can problem solve practically any issue and interacts with the digital world as if he himself were a Matrix embedded Agent, playing with 1’s and 0’s just for fun. In his spare time, he likes hopping on his bike to sweat up the hills and coastal roads down them.

Quickfire FAQs

We will be one or two steps ahead of you so you never have to chase us for anything

Why the name Drop Zero Digital?

With a love of running, having run one marathon and over 10 half marathons in 2020 alone, the owner Thomas Teal enjoyed and still enjoys using ‘Zero Drop’ shoes – shoes that have less cushioning and a lack of in his view, what is over-engineered technology, allowing one to run more ‘flat footed’ in line with the theories raised in the book “Born to Run” which Thomas read several years ago. One day while considering a name for his new agency, he decided to reverse the words…and drop in the word ‘Digital’. And like magic, a new empire was born!  

Of course, the other meaning is for brands / our clients / future clients to stop dropping money on the table, to stop dropping opportunities to increase their ROI and all manner of other things including ‘drop zero….’ ie, drop zero creativity, adventure, boldness, fearlessness etc. 

Where is your company based?

The company has it’s HQ in the United Kingdom, Brighton, where the owner Thomas resides. He runs a tight ship from there with remote staff all over the world, and works every day from a delightful co-working space called ‘Plus X’, and you can always find him in the quiet space.

Where are your staff based, including Account Managers?

Europe – Bulgaria, Spain, Cyprus, Serbia, Estonia, Portugal, Lithuania, Macedonia, Greece, Ukraine, Slovenia, Netherlands, Poland, Hungary, UK, Italy, Germany, Croatia and Russia.

Outside Europe – Dubai, USA, Thailand, India, Malaysia, Brazil, Philippines, Mexico, Argentina  and Columbia.

What kind of results do you get for your clients?

We achieve an overall average of 19.86% after a period of 6 months, with the average % being 11.94% after the first month. This of course varies based on niche, strength of brand, number of SKU’s for cross-selling/upselling purposes, repeat buyer percentage, average order value and lifetime customer value. For example, for our biggest client BlendJet; we achieve 22% in total from email marketing, but at the same time, provide them with an x18 ROI on their spend with us. For other brands we achieve a higher % from email, but lower xROI due to their monthly revenue. 

Do you only work with Klaviyo?

The short answer is yes. The more complex answer is no. We don’t know of a better email marketing provider with the infinite possibilities Klaviyo provides, alongside data reporting, split testing, branching flows, segmentation, subscriber profiling and ease of template creation. However, there may be a unique situation where we can consider a different ESP, but it would be at a higher price tag. 

What is a re-send campaign?

When we send a campaign to a certain segment, we usually have 3 subject lines. Each subject line is sent to 33% of the subscribers. After the campaign is sent we go and check the results to see which subject line had the highest open rates. 

The next day we re-send the same campaign with the winning subject line to those that didn’t open the initial campaign. The key here is to change the order of the words slightly or to change one word so that Gmail doesn’t stack the emails as one.

What kind of flows do you offer?

We can create an unlimited number of flows. The most popular ones which we have noticed get the best results include, 

  • Welcome flow 
  • Cart abandonment 
  • Browse Abandonment 
  • Add to Cart 
  • Post Purchase (split count) 

And other advanced flows include, 

  • Win-back – customers that purchased but then didn’t for 60 days 8
  • Re-engagement – customers that haven’t purchased at all for 60 days ● VIP flow – feel special for having ordered 3 times ie, how they are important etc ● Referral flow 
  • Product specific cart abandon/post purchase flow 

We can custom create flows, provide a flow optimisation service which includes split testing two at a time, and add new cross selling/upselling flows on an ongoing, regular basis.

Can you put me in touch with one of your clients to ask them if I will be in good hands?

Yes. This can be done at the point in which we have practically agreed on a strategy between us, you have verbally agreed the pricing and this is the final step. We treat our clients with the utmost confidentiality and will ensure we put you in touch with a credible store owner.

How experienced are your account managers? Ie, how do I know I will be in safe hands?

The average time that our AM’s have been with Drop Zero Digital is 10 months, but only because we have not been around for longer than 1 year. 

We have a strict hiring process and you can review this process. In a nutshell, out of between 100 to 200 applicants, typically only 5 people make it through to be an Account Manager with us. 

We then provide them with high level marketing and Klaviyo training, even if many of them already have experience in these fields. 

How do I/we know you are Klaviyo experts?

35% of our total workforce are highly experienced Klaviyo Gurus aka Account Managers, who have undertaken at least 2 months of intensive training to be in their respective positions. We also have x3 Klaviyo Experts who work under the Account Managers as apprentices, alongside Junor Account Managers (JAM’s) who are in training to become fully-fledged AM’s. It can take them between 6 to 12 weeks to become fully certified AM’s until they are trusted to manage a client on their own. 

How much do you charge?

Before we can provide pricing, we need to understand a few things in relation to your current email marketing habits, performance, processes and whether you are open-minded to a new way of seeing email and how things can be improved. We do have pricing guidelines however it would be irrelevant to discuss this before a call. 

Is there any kind of set up or onboarding fee?

There is only a set up/onboarding fee if you utilise Drop Zero Digital for campaigns/list management only. Otherwise, if you hire us for flows or a combination of flows/campaigns there is no set up fee. 

What is involved within the initial onboarding process?
  1. Assign you to an Account Manager 
  2. Acquire all necessary access details. 
  3. Undertake a quality check of your campaigns, flows, website, competitor analysis. 
  4. Prepare the first-look plan 
  5. Prepare 3 variations of email/flow templates 
  6. Attend an Action Plan Call between yourself, the Senior Account Manager and Account Manager 
  7. We’ll develop and submit a Copy Guidelines document for you to review 
  8. Assign a Designer to prepare your Design Guidelines document. 
  9. Brief and begin creating all the flows (the mutually agreed most important one first)
Do you offer a campaign revenue share?

For a select few clients, based on a number of variables, we can offer a small percentage of campaign revenue share alongside a fixed monthly cost. 

How many emails do you recommend that I send per week, month, year?

This completely depends on your niche, subscribers, brand, and product pricing; however you should be aiming to send at least 2 to 3 emails per week and in a careful, segmented fashion.

If we go on a second call, what would that involve?

If we mutually agree that Drop Zero Digital can help you, we can either undertake a low-cost strategy audit or free technical audit, and provide you with a proposal that includes pricing estimates based on our expert guidance, or if you already have a specific brief or strategy, we can custom price this for you. 

How quickly will the flows be ready?

With onboarding included (preparing the guidelines, client research etc), it takes up to 4 to 6 weeks to get the flows ready, if everything goes smoothly. This means that the copy and design is approved without any major fixes. The more the fixes, the longer the process. Normally the flows are done in 30 days, but it could be more based on the above.

What do you need from me to get started?

To get started, we require your full name and address to include on the contract, have you sign both this Contract and a Statement of Works and to provide us with your access details to your Klaviyo store, Shopify (or other related platform) details and any other relevant information required. 

We will then introduce you to your Account Manager who will book the first Action Plan call within a few days of the payment, where we undertake the deep dive mentioned within the onboarding process.

What if my niche is unique or single product?

No problem! We can still help you.

Can I talk to your clients to get a feel for your agency?

This is possible, once we have written agreement that you are happy to proceed based on the pricing/agreed roadmap.

Why the aliens and robot?

While you can have one without the other, our little aliens are the backbone of our team. Although we do have one or two robots, the aliens are the creative ones, and we couldn’t leave them out of the limelight ;-). 

Do you have an actual office?

There is no physical office. All x60+ staff members work completely remotely.

What is the native language of your Copywriters?

All x3 of our Copywriters are based in the UK and USA and are native to these countries. They were hard to find but well worth the search!

How quickly can I expect to get a return on my investment?

Easily within 3 months, if communication is overall smooth, feedback is timely and the relationship overall harmonious. 

What kind of campaigns management service do you offer?

We are flexible with what we can offer, and below are two examples of packages that can help guide the client decision


1, The standard option where we send 9 emails per month (approximately 2 emails per week), 

2, The advanced option includes sending 15 emails per month (approximately 3.5 emails per week). 

We only want to send one email per week. Is that okay?

If you have a list size under 10k, then yes it’s fine. We have a package for this.

However, if it’s over 10k and by a certain margin, we advise you to send more than this to your list. 

If you only want to send 1 email per week, this is likely coming from a place of fear; fear of spamming, over-selling, lack of content and lack of ideas around content. There is nothing that kills growth quicker than this kind of fear. Remember, with segmentation, you have full control over who and what you email people and when. We can focus on a specific segment from week to week or switch between, so not everyone will receive all emails at all times. I

What about spam and deliverability? Do you also help with that?

Yes absolutely. We are happy to discuss this in more detail as we would likely need to dig deeper as a use case study and review specifics within this area of email marketing. 

Who will be looking after me if I decide to choose Drop Zero Digital?

All of our clients are managed directly by our team of Account Managers (AM’s). The ratio of AM’s to clients is approx 1 AM to 3 to 4 clients, although our two best clients have 1 AM only to look after them. They are also assisted by our Klaviyo Experts.

Our AM’s are spread throughout Europe, USA, Phillipines, Thailand and Latin America, with 40% based in Europe and 60% in the rest of the world. We allocate an AM based on both availability and timezone. You can be assured that you will always be in safe hands, and if necessary, you can escalate any issues that arise to one of our Senior Account Managers and Head of Service, and Thomas himself will always be available to help with any enquiries.

Can I have an Account Manager close to my timezone?

We can’t always guarantee where your AM will be based but we always try and ensure that they will be in a similar time zone to you for the sake of convenience and flawless communication. They are always available for at least 3 hours per day within your timezone working hours.  

What kind of communication software do you use?

We use Slack, Skype, Email, manage all client tasks and projects via Asana and use Zoom for video conferencing. Your AM can also join your favourite channel ie, Discord or other.

How does payment work?

For both our campaigns and flows service, you pay in advance for the first month. Then we invoice you for each new month between 10 to 14 days before the month starts and require payment before the 2nd month begins. There is no option for a partial payment or payment upon results. 

Can I do a trial with you before deciding 100% whether to continue?

We don’t offer any trial period, simply because there is a lot of cost, time, resource and energy that goes into the initial front end set up, in terms of the extensive onboarding process, creating the copy and design guidelines, and getting the brand nailed correctly from the beginning. However, we do provide free technical audits and low cost strategy audits which will provide you with incredible insights into how you are leaving money on the table.

Can I still use my own Designer(s) and Copywriter(s)?

We prefer to handle the design and copy on our side. However, if it is difficult to nail this, regardless of talent and experience, we can discuss a strategy of having our Account Manager/team project managing your creatives. There is no reduced fee for this however.

Can you translate to other languages?

Yes. For around 15% of our clients, we undertake regular translation services. There is an extra cost per language.

Do you need us to sign up for a minimum of 6 months?

No. We only ever work on a rolling contract basis, so you just need to provide us with at least 30 days notice.

How soon can you take me on as a new client?

This completely depends on the availability of the team at the moment you decide to come on board with Drop Zero Digital. There might be a small wait of a week or two, or we might be able to onboard you within a couple of days. 

How quickly will you send campaigns for me?

The current standard is between 10 working days after you officially join Drop Zero Digital. This depends partly on how quickly campaign content (copy and design) is approved, and taking into consideration the availability of the designer and copywriter. Currently our timeframes on onboarding include – 

Guidelines are created – 5 days. 

First call aka “Action Plan” call – 7th/8th day. 

First campaign sending – 9th to 11th day. 

What if I’m not happy with you guys within 30-45 days?

If you are not happy with our service, results, performance or being with Drop Zero Digital in general within the first 30-45 days, we can provide you with a partial refund of your initial investment, excluding our set-up costs. We never want to part on uncomfortable terms with our clients. 

Can I talk to some of your team to get a feel for your agency?

This is definitely possible, but on a later call, once we have a written agreement that you are happy to proceed based on the pricing/agreed roadmap and being happy with the team members and they represented Drop Zero Digital.