Our Process to Getting Email Right

Stop trying to do email marketing yourself. Lean on a team that delivers. Heck, you may even have some fun along the way!

The Deep Dive

  • We assign you a dedicated account manager where you get regular Monday through Friday.
  • We get access to your Klaviyo account, Google Analytics, Shopify (or other) platform, and supply you with an onboarding questionnaire.
  • We quality check your campaigns, flows, and websites and undertake a competitor analysis.
  • We prepare copy and design guidelines.
  • We prepare an action plan which includes some flow templates.

The Sharing Phase

  • We present everything curated in the deep dive phase to you on a first call.
  • We learn more about your brand and share what we have done for similar brands.
  • We finalise a few key points such as offer sizes, offer cadences, and frequency.

The Shock Phase

  • With a specific plan prepared, we present you with a roadmap.
  • We share our all-encompassing timeline related to the quantity of campaigns and the number of flows added, optimised, and split tested.
  • We discuss at what point we think we’ll bring you a return on your investment.

The Execution Phase

  • Like any Navy Seals veteran, we get to work and show you what we’re made of.
  • Results are usually immediate (dependent on how bad or good things were before).
  • We set up and implement technical savvy flows with optional conditional splits and property profile tags, go deeper into segmentation and deliverability, and monitor open rates.

The Review Phase

  • We review what we’ve done and what kind of impact this has made.
  • We triple down on areas of success and configure other areas of fluctuation.
  • We guide you to make non-email marketing changes if we deem it necessary.

The Maintenance Phase

  • This is where we fluctuate between execution and review—but of course, we don’t and won’t stop.
  • As a grandmaster of strategy once said, ‘There are infinite possibilities to improve within any and every area of email marketing’—and we happen to agree.
  • We triple down on what works and strengthen your weakest links.

The Flow State Phase

  • With a perfect ‘flow’ usually hitting between 3 to 6 months, the team that we assign you will be so ‘at one’ with your brand(s) that they will have gone through an intense ‘machine learning’ phase.
  • By this point, you will be raving about us to your network of ecomm business owners due to the incredible results we are rocking. 🙂
5 Reasons
to go Drop Zero with your email marketing

We are and will be an extension of your marketing team to such an extent that you won’t even realise we are an agency in the first place.

You will be assigned a dedicated email marketing account manager, available Monday to Friday, for at least four hours per day.

You will not be tied into any long-term contract.

You will have a complete team, including an Account Manager, Designer, Copywriter and your own personal assistant who will help you book flights, organise your dry cleaning, and book your most important conference calls—this latter one is a joke (sorry ;-)), but you definitely will get the first three!

We will be one or two steps ahead of you so you never have to chase us for anything.