5 Elements of Effective Email Marketing for an Ecommerce Business

September 30, 2021

Did you know more than 306 billion emails are sent and received each day? If you thought email marketing was dead, you’re sadly mistaken.

How to start getting your ecommerce businesses’ email marketing right. Photo by PhotoMIX Company from Pexels

The evidence is clear; email marketing statistics highlight how seriously you should take this digital channel.

To be successful in today’s market, when it comes to email marketing, your eCommerce business should only be focused on broadcasting exceptional campaigns.

It’s easy to draft a newsletter to send out to your entire database, but are you reaching the right people at the right time?

If you’ve developed your subscriber list, either through popups or other promotions, and you’re ready to get the most out of your email strategy (and to sell more products), then keep reading as we share our top 5 ecommerce email marketing tips.

Timing and Frequency of Your Email Marketing Blasts

Do you have a strategy in relation to the day and time you send your emails to your customers and prospects? Do you know how often you send out the same communication?

It’s easy to let these details slip through the cracks, but if you aren’t being strategic then you’re missing the mark.

If you don’t time it perfectly, your recipient won’t see the amazing sale you’re running. If you send too many email blasts, you will lose customers. Every industry is different, but it’s crucial to find out when and how often your customers respond best to your email blasts.

Cartoon showing computer timing email sends
Are you getting the timing of your mailshots right? Image from Pixabay

Subject Lines

With billions of active email users daily, it’s important to make sure your email doesn’t get lost in your customer’s inbox. Even if your email is seen, if your subject line isn’t captivating enough your customer will never know what your promotion is about. Who wants to send an email blast that will never get opened?

When writing a subject line, be sure to keep these tips in mind:

  • Keep it short and sweet (50 characters or less)
  • Use personalization 
  • Be specific and relevant 
  • Ask questions to pique interest 
  • Create a sense of urgency 
  • Use a call to action or CTA

If you’re struggling to do this yourself, Drop Zero Digital can create the perfect email for you and offer email marketing solutions.

Phone email app showing 20 unread message notifications
Subject likes are key to ensuring your email stands out in the swarms of unopened messages. Photo by Torsten Dettlaff from Pexels

Device Optimisation

The best email marketing services for ecommerce look good on both desktop and mobile devices. There’s nothing more frustrating than not being able to see an email on your phone because text and images are cut off. 

Unless your target audience consists of an older crowd, many people today are checking their inboxes on their phones. Making sure your email blast is responsive is a major element in having a successful email marketing campaign.

Person looking at UX on phone with laptop on in the background
Ensure you’re email looks great no matter what device it’s opened on. Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Visual Content

Fact: people respond better to images than copy. Customers are usually looking for a quick solution and don’t want to read a novel to find it.

Visuals are a great way to capture your customer’s attention while helping them grasp the main point of your email blast, while helping to support the copy and the resulting connectivity that both copy and images create.

If graphic design isn’t your forte, then you should consider professionals for help. Learn more about Drop Zero Digital and see how they can include beautiful designs in your email marketing campaigns.

Person touching an app on their tablet
Get your image design right and you’ll start bossing your email sends. Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash


Personalizing your email blasts takes more than just addressing your customer’s name (which is still an important step). Technology allows eCommerce businesses to create email blasts that nurture customers‘ wants and needs.

For instance, if your customer was recently looking at new sofas online, you can see that. That gives you the green light to send an email to them about your current furniture promotion. 

When you personalize and customize your email blasts to your customers, you have a higher chance of driving more sales. It can be time-consuming to maintain this quality of work, so it might be worth looking into an email marketing agency that can add Klaviyo to your campaigns.

Pens and labels ready for people to input their names
Getting personal with your customers improves your brand relatability. Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Consider Email Marketing Service Today

Managing email marketing campaigns can be a full-time job, and more. That’s why you should consider looking into an email marketing agency for help.

Drop Zero Digital, you can expect help with:

  • Email marketing insights
  • Graphic design
  • World-class copywriting 
  • Master strategies
  • Email retention 
  • And a whole lot more

If you’re ready to take control of your ecommerce email marketing solutions, feel free to book a call with us at Drop Zero Digital today.

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