Call To Action: A Brief Guide on CTA’s in Email Marketing

October 21, 2021

A call-to-action (aka CTA) is something you’ve probably heard a lot in the online marketing world. This blog post is a short guide to CTAs in the context of email marketing.

Are CTAs important to your email marketing strategy?
What are CTAs? And why are they instrumental to your email marketing? Image from Pixabay

If you are thinking of getting conversions through strong call to action prompts, let’s dive into it. But, first, how about we tell you more about what exactly CTAs are.

What Are CTAs?

To put it simply, CTAs are prompts to encourage your readers to do something. 

Whether it’s in an email asking customers to check out a sale or the popup which prompts prospects to sign up to your subscriber list in the first place. It is necessary to provide instructions to the readers so they know what to do next. 

Your email may be worth a read, nonetheless if the emails don’t offer readers a direction, they will likely close or delete them. What a missed opportunity, right? 

Basically, CTAs increase email conversions and this turns your readers into customers.

Example of a CTA from Emma
Your CTA should ensure your customers know what action to take next. Source: Campaign Monitor

Where Can You Put Your CTAs?

Since you want to make it easy for people to take action, a CTA should be prominent. It should stand out on its own and not appear too far down the email that the receiver has to scroll down to see it.

Example of an eye-catching CTA
Make sure your CTAs are grabbing attention. Source: Campaign Monitor

Buttons are well suited for this, and they convert much better than text versions. Ensure your CTA buttons are sizably large and coloured, following your brand guidelines.

You can also repeat them to emphasise the importance of your CTAs. Postscript is a good place for CTAs (as a hyperlinked text). Nobody misses it.

How Can You Make Your CTAs Effective?

Remember, you are sending an email. Therefore, CTAs should be short, clear, and punchy, similar to the email content. 

Regardless of whether you’re selling to or nurturing your audience, make sure you state explicitly the action you want your readers to take next.

It’s also better if it provides an incentive to encourage readers to click the CTAs. You can mention it just before the buttons.

Some examples of CTAs used in email marketing:

  • Buy Now
  • Purchase Now
  • Explore Products
  • To The Sale
  • Get Yours Today
  • Find Out More
  • Visit Our Store
  • Click Here For 20% OFF

In summary, CTAs are indispensable to your email campaign. Although you can forget to include your signature in your email (not recommended), you absolutely cannot leave out CTAs.

But, if you get Drop Zero Digital involved with your email strategy, you won’t have to worry about forgetting anything. Book a call with our team to discuss your options today.

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