How to Collect Emails: 13 Simple Strategies You Can Implement Now

May 3, 2024

It’s predicted that by 2026, there will be an estimated 4.73 billion email users globally. So, why wouldn’t you want to be reaching as many of them as possible?

Let’s be real: You could use hundreds of strategies to help develop your business’s email subscriber list. 

But most are a little convoluted, and, let’s face it, there isn’t always time to develop 100’s of strategies. Don’t worry. 

This blog post highlights 13 simple ways to collect emails so you can start supercharging your subscriber growth. Then, you can leave it to us to dazzle them with email marketing that converts like crazy. 

Why is it Important to Grow Your Subscribers?

When we talk about growing your subscriber list, we mean increasing the number of addresses you have signed up to receive your emails, offers, and other announcements. 

By developing your list of subscribers, you are effectively increasing your audience size and talking to more people in your niche. Thus, you are improving your ability to deliver a positive return on investment. 

Once you have built your list of subscribers, the battle then becomes more about talking to them most effectively and finding ways for messages to stand out in that inbox ocean. 

How to Collect Emails: 13 Foolproof Ways to Go

Now we know what collecting emails is and why building subscriber numbers is so important, let’s get into those 13 simple and actionable techniques. 

1. Opt-Ins

This practice is at number one for a reason. It’s the simplest and one of the most effective ways to develop your subscriber list. 

Opt-in forms appear on websites after a set timeframe. When they pop up, they allow users to enter their email addresses to subscribe and receive your messages. 

Ecommerce email opt-in messages are particularly effective as they offer new subscribers a discount code or other perks in exchange for their email address.

2. Give Them a Proper Welcome

The next step on that journey is to ensure that you have a bold and engaging welcome email flow. Did you know that welcome emails have an open rate of nearly 64%

Effective welcome email flows for eCommerce businesses usually contain 3-4 emails. These journeys start by introducing your brand before gradually becoming more product-centric. 

Incidentally, this is one of the strategies we employed to deliver a 79% increase in revenue for weightlifting brand, Tuff Wraps

3. Content Upgrades

Imagine stumbling upon a blog post that offers a free downloadable checklist or a resource-packed eBook related to the topic you’re reading about. 

That’s a content upgrade! Content upgrades are valuable resources that can be offered to prospects in exchange for an email address. They nurture your audience by providing additional value and serve as powerful incentives for email sign-ups.

4. Lead Magnets

Lead magnets are irresistible offers designed to attract potential subscribers. Some can be in-depth guides like those mentioned a second ago. Or, you can go wild and let your imagination (and budget) be your only limit. 

From free trials and exclusive discounts to educational webinars, podcasts and downloadable resources, the possibilities are endless. 

However, to get the most from these potent little nuggets of attention, you need to consider what your audience finds most valuable. Create lead magnets that cater to their needs and interests.

Incidentally, once you better understand your customers’ interests, you can use this knowledge to improve your email performance. Segment your audience to ensure they only receive tailored messages that represent good value to them specifically. 

5. Exit-Intent Pop-ups

You can implement exit intent pop-ups across your site. They act as a last-gasp opportunity to capture email addresses and, according to data collected by Conversion Sciences, they could stand to nest you an extra 10-15% of lost visitors to your site. 

Operating in a similar fashion to welcome opt-ins, exit intent pop-ups are most effective when offering discounts or special offers in exchange for emails. 

6. Social Media Integration

Your social media channels are goldmines for email sign-ups. Leverage your channels to promote your email list and encourage followers to join. 

One super easy way to collect emails from social media is through competitions. Brands leverage social media contest platforms to run huge draws and toggle the conditions of entry to suit a specific business goal. 

Get a super cool prize, and use those social tools to make the price of entry a ‘follow’ or email sign-up. This will grow your social channels and email list.

7. Website Footer Sign-up Forms

By including a sign-up form in your footer, you’re providing visitors with a convenient way to subscribe no matter where they are on your site. This tactic is subtle yet effective for capturing email addresses and expanding your subscriber base.

8. Gamification

This one probably isn’t as simple as running social media competitions or setting up opt-ins. But who doesn’t love a good game? 

Email gamification can make the experience of signing up to a site more engaging and enjoyable for your audience. Consider adding a spin-to-win wheel or a quiz that unlocks exclusive content upon completion. 

For example, an eCommerce store selling running equipment could create quiz blogs telling readers which style of running shoe suits them best. The reader enters their email address to see their personalised result. This same process can be effective for standard ‘pub quiz’ style content too.  

9. Exclusive Offers and Memberships

It’s an eCommerce email capture strategy tale that’s as old as time. By offering exclusive deals or content to subscribers, you create a sense of exclusivity that encourages further sign-ups. 

Whether it’s early access to new products, VIP discounts, or members-only content. Make sure your subscribers feel like they’re part of an exclusive club.

10. Guest Blogging and Partnerships

Collaborating with other businesses or influencers in your niche can help you reach new audiences, thus attracting more subscribers. But the key is to be picky about who you reach out to. 

Consider guest blogging on relevant websites or partnering with influencers to promote your email list. It’s a win-win situation that can lead to mutual growth and success.

11. Webinars and Events

Hosting webinars or live shows is a great way to educate your audience, but it’s also another opportunity to collect email addresses. 

For example, if you have bricks-and-mortar store or run events, you can collect the emails of all attendees and visitors. This can include virtual events, or online talks or podcasts with other ecom experts

12. Email Referral Programs

Of course, there’s nothing like the old skool for getting a job done. Harness the power of word-of-mouth marketing by implementing email referral programs. 

A super simple way to collect emails quickly is by empowering existing subscribers to refer their friends or colleagues in exchange for rewards or incentives. 

You get closer to your audience and they get some sweet, sweet offers. Everyone’s a winner. 

13. Analyzing and Optimizing

Last but not least on our list of how to collect email addresses, don’t forget to analyse and optimise your email collection efforts regularly. 

Track key metrics like sign-up rates, conversion rates, and engagement levels to identify what’s working and what’s not. Use this data to refine your strategies and continuously improve your results.

Email Collection Mistakes: What Not To Do

Of course, with every business growth strategy, there are right and wrong ways to proceed. While increasing your email subscriber list it’s important to avoid some common mistakes like: 

  • Neglecting Mobile Optimization: Ensure your opt-in forms and sign-up processes are mobile-friendly and cater to users on all devices.
  • Overwhelming Visitors: Avoid bombarding visitors with too many pop-ups or opt-in forms, this can lead to a negative user experience.
  • Forgetting About Privacy: Be transparent about how you’ll use subscribers’ email addresses and assure them of their privacy and data security.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some other questions people are asking about how to collect emails and build a subscriber base:

How often should I send emails to my subscribers?

The frequency of your emails depends on your audience and the type of content you’re sending. Test different frequencies to find what works best for your subscribers, but aim to strike a balance between staying top-of-mind and avoiding inbox overload. But remember, anything over 5 newsletters a week has been proven to have a negative effect.

What should I include in my welcome email?

Your welcome email sets the tone for your relationship with new subscribers. Be sure to thank them for joining, introduce your brand and provide valuable content or offers to encourage engagement from the start.

How can I encourage subscribers to stay engaged?

Keep your email content relevant, valuable, and engaging. Segment your audience based on their interests and behaviours to deliver personalised content. Encourage interaction by asking for feedback, running polls, or hosting Q&A sessions.

Build An Email Marketing Journey at Dazzles with DropZero Digital

Now you know some of the top techniques for building your subscriber base like a pro, you’re going to need email flows that get the job done. 

At DropZero, we specialise in delivering incredible campaigns that showcase your brand, look incredible and, most importantly, convert like crazy. 

Find out more about how we can build your email marketing strategy today to start driving more revenue for your business. 

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